Amanda Palmer may be one of the most lyrically gifted music composers of our time. Thats what i think at least. I love everyone of her songs. Love them, love that girl.
I did a fan art of her recently and she was kind enough to mention me in her online blog.
I was thrilled.
The art world is a fickle she bitch. That's the truth.
Working on art is one of the only things that i really get enjoyment out of. I do enjoy my kittles and such.
I quit smoking. I quit diet soda. I quit drinking alcohol.
My personality has never been better, and if you wanna change something you don't like about your life, then change something you're doing. Mix it up, exist without things and such blah blah blah. Or not. hehe
"It runs in the family, mad in the blood, we tend to bruise easily. I just want you to know me, know me and my family, we're wonderful folk, but don't get to close, cause you might knock me up. me up. me up. me up"- amanda palmer.